All Virtual Office Solutions are not created equal. Many people think all virtual office solutions are the same – phone answering, mailbox service and possibly an uninspiring office to rent if needed. You need to discover the Stark Office Suites Virtual Office difference: premium, flexible options that enhance your professional image while allowing you to keep a tight rein on your costs. Oftentimes a virtual office is simply a way for an office suite to make a few extra dollars on the side. At Stark Office Suites, the virtual office solution is a core part of our offering. We have dedicated virtual spaces and solutions that are there for you as your business grows. This is important because a Stark virtual office is not a temporary band-aid for your business. Our virtual offices are a long-term solution that complements your home office and may very well allow you to maintain your current workstyle and grow your business.
Location, Location, Location: Stark Office Suites offers your business a premier corporate address that you can use on your business card or website. We have some of the most sought-after business locales including One Grand Central Place just steps from Grand Central Station and the Plaza District in Midtown Manhattan at 110 East 59th Street, 750 Main Street in Downtown Hartford, and 243 Tresser Boulevard in Stamford, CT. We help you to be where your clients need you, and provide you with the professional stature that your business deserves.
Local, Professional Call Answering: Your calls will be answered by one of our friendly, professional receptionists with customized answering for your business entity. We thoroughly train our hand-picked staff on how to provide virtual receptionist service to ensure that your clients are getting a first class experience. A number of our clients first experienced us when one of our receptionists answered the phones for a company they were calling!
Office & Conference Room Rental: With 11 locations in Connecticut, Westchester and New York City, our Virtual Office members can rent a professionally-furnished office or conference room on an hourly or daily basis. We offer premium venues ranging from individual offices to boardrooms, informal conference areas to seminar rooms. We have the space that your business needs to thrive. We also offer state-of-the-art video conferencing services that allow you to conduct remote meetings in the same manner as large corporations.
Google Verified Address: Your professional appearance starts long before you meet your client. It starts with having a professional address. Our Virtual Office Solutions provides you with premium business addresses that can be verified by Google. When map listings are generated for online results, your business will be located in a premium office building instead of a residence, strip mall or PO Box.
Flexibility: From a mailing address and call answering to part-time and full-time office rental and file storage, Stark Office Suites Virtual Office Solutions offers a range of options enabling you to select the services you need now, with the opportunity to add others as your business grows or changes. We have been a long-term growth partner for numerous businesses over the past fifteen years. Our goal is to meet your business where it is today and to be there for you as your needs evolve over time. We offer flexible solutions–not temporary ones that only provide short-term assistance.
Learn more about the Stark Office Suites virtual office difference. Visit us at Stark Office Suites Virtual Offices.